8.1. Substring Search
Imagine that you are searching for a word on a web page or a Word document.
This problem is known and pattern search in a string. Despite being seemingly a simple challenge to solve, in order to do efficiently, it requires a lot of ingenuity.
In this lecture we will see several solutions for it, of the increased implementation complexity, while reduced time demand.
8.1.1. Testing a search procedure
The procedure search
takes a string text
and a patern pattern
and returns a result of type int option
, where Some i
denotes the first index in the string text
, such that pattern
starts from it and is fully contained within text
. If no such index exist (i.e., pattern
is not in text
), search
returns None
Even before we implement the search procedure itself, we develop a test for it. The first test function checkes if a pattern pattern
is indeed in the string text
, as reported by the function search
let test_pattern_in search text pattern =
let index = get_exn @@ search text pattern in
let p' = String.sub text index (String.length pattern) in
assert (pattern = p')
let test_pattern_not_in search text pattern =
assert (search text pattern = None)
8.1.2. A very naive search
Our first attempt to implement the search is as follows:
let very_naive_search text pattern =
let n = String.length text in
let m = String.length pattern in
if n < m then None
let k = ref 0 in
let res = ref None in
while !k <= n - m && !res = None do
let candidate = String.sub text !k m in
if candidate = pattern
then res := Some !k
else k := !k + 1
Question: what is the worst-case complexity of this search in terms of sizes
and m
of text
and pattern
If we try to evaluate this search on reasonably large strings, we will notice
that it behaves quite poorly already for strings of size 5000
and pattern
size 20
. This is because it exercises its worst-case theoretical complexity.
How can we make it better?
8.1.3. A slightly better naive search
We can implement a slightly better naive search as follows. Notice that OCaml syntax s.[i]
allows one to refer to a character of a string s
at a position i
let naive_search text pattern =
let n = String.length text in
let m = String.length pattern in
if n < m then None
let k = ref 0 in
let res = ref None in
while !k <= n - m && !res = None do
let j = ref 0 in
while !j <= m - 1 &&
text.[!k + !j] = pattern.[!j]
do j := !j + 1 done;
if !j = m
then res := Some !k
k := !k + 1
It tries to identify the pattern starting from each position i
, checking the characters in the substring one by one. If it fails in the inner search, it simply tries the next position by incrementing i
Question: what is the worst-case complexity of this search in terms of sizes n
and m
of text
and pattern
8.1.4. A recursive version of the naive search
The same implementation can be, obviously rewritten so it would be tail-recursive:
let naive_search_rec text pattern =
let n = String.length text in
let m = String.length pattern in
if n < m then None
let rec walk k =
if k > n - m then None
else (
let j = ref 0 in
while !j <= m - 1 &&
text.[k + !j] = pattern.[!j]
do j := !j + 1 done;
if !j = m
then Some k
else walk @@ k + 1)
in walk 0
8.1.5. Testing naive search
Let us construct a number of tests, starting from a simple one:
let big = "abcdefghijklmnopeqrstuvabcsrtdsdqewgdcvaegbdweffwdajbjrag"
let patterns = ["dsd"; "jrag"; "abc"]
let%test "Naive Search Works" =
List.iter (fun p -> test_pattern_in naive_search big p) patterns;
We can also check, on a random string, that our search returns no false positives and no false negatives.
How do we generate random strings for testing search?
This can be done using the function generate_words
, which we
generated before. We simply create a list of words and concatenate it
to produce the string text
. We can also create the list of words
that are (with a very high probability) not in the obtained string
let generate_string_and_patterns n m =
let ps_in = generate_words n m in
let ps_not_in =
List.filter (fun p -> not (List.mem p ps_in)) @@
generate_words n m in
let s = String.concat "" (List.rev ps_in) in
(s, ps_in, ps_not_in)
let%test "Naive Search True Positives" =
let (s, ps, _) = generate_string_and_patterns 500 5 in
List.iter (fun p -> test_pattern_in naive_search s p) ps;
let%test "Naive Search True Negatives" =
let (s, _, pn) = generate_string_and_patterns 500 5 in
List.iter (fun p -> test_pattern_not_in naive_search s p) pn;
Finally, we can provide a higher-order testing procedure for strings, so it would test on a specific string, and on randomly-generated strings (for both positive and negative results), as follows:
let search_tester search =
let (s, ps, pn) = generate_string_and_patterns 500 5 in
List.iter (fun p -> test_pattern_in search big p) patterns;
List.iter (fun p -> test_pattern_in search s p) ps;
List.iter (fun p -> test_pattern_not_in search s p) pn;
let%test _ = search_tester naive_search