3. Policies

3.1. Assessment

  • 90%: Assignments (i.e., Homework plus Projects)

  • 10%: Attendance

    • Three free, unexcused absences

  • No tests

3.2. Assignments

  • All assignments to be completed individually unless stated otherwise

  • Assignment Types

    • Homework:

      • Approximately one every week, but each is announced two weeks before due dates, so you have time to ask questions

    • Projects:

      • Midterm and Final

      • Counts as two homeworks

  • Homework Grading:

    • 95%: Passing code tests (partial credit)

    • 5%: Having no warnings (no partial credit)

  • Due dates:

    • All submissions due at 11:59pm SGT

    • Late submissions will be penalized by subtracting 10% per day using the default Canvas calculation method.

    • Submissions late by no more than 0.15 days (i.e., 3 hours 36 minutes) according to Canvas will not be considered late.

      • For example, an assignment “due” 1 September 11:59pm will not be penalized if submitted by 2 September 3:35am.

3.3. Collaboration

  • Permitted:

    • Talking about the homework problems with other students

    • Using other textbooks

    • Using the Internet to improve understanding of the problems.

  • Not permitted:

    • Obtaining the answer directly from anyone or anything else in any form.