6.3. Stacks
Stack is a good example of a simple abstract data type that implements
a set (with possibly repeating elements) with a small number of
operations for adding and removing elements. In doing so, stack
provides two main operations pop
and push
that implement a
discipline known as LIFO (last-in-first-out): an element added last is
retrieved first.
6.3.1. The Stack interface
A simple stack interface is described by the following OCaml module signature:
module type AbstractStack = sig
type 'e t
val mk_stack : int -> 'e t
val is_empty : 'e t -> bool
val push : 'e t -> 'e -> unit
val pop : 'e t -> 'e option
Notice that the first type member (type 'e t
) is what makes this data type
abstract. The type declaration stands for and “abstract type t
of the stack
storing elements of type 'e
”. In reality, the stack, as a data structure,
can be implemented in various ways, but this type definition does not reveal
those details. Instead, it provides four functions to manipulate with stacks —
and this is the only vocabulary for doing so. Specifically:
creates a new empty stack (hence the output result is'e t
) with a suggested sizen
checks is the stack is emptypush
adds new element to the top of the stackpop
removes the latest added elemente
from the top of the stack and returnsSome e
, if such element exists, orNone
if the stack is empty. The stack is then modified, so this element is removed.
Unlike OCaml list, is a mutable structure. This means each
“effectful” operation of it, such as push
or pop
, changes its
contents, rather than returns a new copy, the result type of push
is unit
. Both push
and pop
, thus, modify the stack
contents, in addition to returning a result (in the case of pop
6.3.2. An List-Based Stack
Our first concrete implementation of a stack ADT exploits the fact that OCaml lists behave precisely like stacks, so we can build the following implementation almost effortlessly:
module ListBasedStack : AbstractStack = struct
type 'e t = 'e list ref
let mk_stack _ = ref []
let is_empty s = match !s with
| [] -> true
| _ -> false
let push s e =
let c = !s in
s := e :: c
let pop s = match !s with
| h :: t ->
s := t; Some h
| _ -> None
What is important to notice is that type 'e t
in the concrete implementation
is defined to be 'e list ref
, so in the rest of the module we can use the
properties of this concrete data type (i.e., dereference it and work with it as
with an OCaml list). Notice also that the concrete module ListBasedStack
annotated with the abstract signature AbstractStack
, making sure that all
definitions have the matching types. The implication of this is that no user
of this module will be able to exploit the fact that our “stack type” is, in
fact, a reference to an OCaml list. An example of such an “exploit” would be,
for instance, making the stack empty foregoing the use of pop
in order to
deplete it first, element by element.
When implementing your own concrete implementation of an abstract data type, it
is recommended to ascribe the module signature (e.g., AbstractStack
) as the
last step of your implementation. If you do it before the module is complete,
the OCaml compiler/back-end will be complaining that your implementation of the
module does not match the signature, which makes the whole development process
less pleasant.
Let us now test our stack ADT implementation by pushing and popping different elements, keeping in mind the expected LIFO behaviour. We start by reating an empty stack:
# let s = ListBasedStack.mk_stack ();;
val s : '_weak101 ListBasedStack.t = <abstr>
Notice that the type '_weak101
indicates that OCaml doesn’t yet
know what is the type of stack elements, and it will be clear once we
push the first one. Furthermore the type of the stack itself is
presented as ListBasedStack.t
, i.e., it is not shown to be a
reference to list – what we defined it to be. Let us now push three
elements to a stack and check it for emptiness:
# push s (4, "aaa");;
- : unit = ()
# push s (5, "bbb");;
- : unit = ()
# push s (7, "ccc");;
- : unit = ()
# is_empty s;;
- : bool = false
As the next step, we can start removing elements from the stack, making sure that they come up in the reverse order with respect to how they were added:
# pop s;;
- : (int * string) option = Some (7, "ccc")
# pop s;;
- : (int * string) option = Some (5, "bbb")
# pop s;;
- : (int * string) option = Some (4, "aaa")
Finally, we can test that, after we’ve removed all initially added elements, the stack is empty and remains this way:
# pop s;;
- : (int * string) option = None
# pop s;;
- : (int * string) option = None
6.3.3. An Array-Based Stack
An alternative implementation of stacks uses an array of some size
, thus requiring constant-size memory. A natural shortcoming of
such a solution is the fact that the stack can hold only up to n
elements. However, the advantage is that one can implement such a
stack in language that do not provide algebraic lists, but only
provide arrays (e.g., C):
module ArrayBasedStack : AbstractStack = struct
type 'e t = {
elems : 'e option array;
cur_pos : int ref
(* More functions to be added here *)
The abstract type 'e t
is now defined quite differently — it is
a record that stores two fields. The first one is an array of options
of elements of type 'e
(representing the elements of the stack in
a desired order), while the second one is a pointer to the position
at which the next element of the stack must be added.
Defining the stack this way, we agree on the following invariant: the
“empty” elements in a stack are represented by None
, which the
array, serving as a “carrier” for the stack will be filled with
elements from its beginning, with cur_pos
pointing to the next
empty position to fill. For instance, a stack with the maximal
capacity of 3 elements, with the elements "a"
and "b"
will be
represented by the array [|Some "b"; Some "a"; None|]
, with
being 2
, indicating the next slot to insert an
In order to make a new stack, we create a fixed-length array for size
, setting cur_ref
to point to 0:
let mk_stack n = {
elems = Array.make n None;
cur_pos = ref 0
We can also use cur_pos
to determine whether the stack is empty or
let is_empty s = !(s.cur_pos) = 0
Pushing a new element requires us to insert a new element into the next vacant position in the “carrier” array and then increment the current position. If the current position points outside of the scope of the array, it means that the stack is full and cannot accommodate more elements, so we just throw an exception:
let push s e =
let pos = !(s.cur_pos) in
if pos >= Array.length s.elems
then raise (Failure "Stack is full")
else (s.elems.(pos) <- Some e;
s.cur_pos := pos + 1)
Similarly, pop
returns an element (wrapped into Some
) right
before cur_pos
, if cur_pos > 0
, or None
let pop s =
let pos = !(s.cur_pos) in
let elems = s.elems in
if pos <= 0 then None
else (
let res = elems.(pos - 1) in
s.elems.(pos - 1) <- None;
s.cur_pos := pos - 1;
Let us test the implementation to make sure that it indeed behaves as a stack:
# open ArrayBasedStack;;
# let s = mk_stack 10;;
val s : '_weak102 ArrayBasedStack.t = <abstr>
# push s (3, "aaa");;
- : unit = ()
# push s (5, "bbb");;
- : unit = ()
# push s (7, "ccc");;
- : unit = ()
# pop s;;
- : (int * string) option = Some (7, "ccc")
# pop s;;
- : (int * string) option = Some (5, "bbb")
# pop s;;
- : (int * string) option = Some (3, "aaa")
# is_empty s;;
- : bool = true
# pop s;;
- : (int * string) option = None