3.6. Exercises
3.6.1. Exercise 1: Realistic Complexity of Laplace Expansion
Recall the definition of a matrix determinant by Laplace expansion
where \(M^{0, i}\) is the corresponding minor of the matrix \(M\) of size \(n\), with indexing starting from \(0\).
This definition can be translated to OCaml as follows:
let rec detLaplace m n =
if n = 1 then m.(0).(0)
let det = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to n - 1 do
let min = minor m 0 i in
let detMin = detLaplace min (n - 1) in
det := !det + (power (-1) i) * m.(0).(i) * detMin
A matrix is encoded as a 2-dimensional array m
, whose rank (both
dimensions) is n
. Here, minor
returns the minor of the matrix
, and power a b
returns the natural power of b
of an
integer value a
Out of the explanations and the code above, estimate (in terms of
big-O notation) the time complexity \(t(n)\) of the recursive
determinant computation. Start by writing down a recurrence relation
on \(t(n)\). Assume that the complexity of minor
is \(c
\cdot n^2\) for some constant \(c\). Consider the complexity of
returning an element of an array to be 0 (i.e., \(t(1) = 0\)). For
\(n > 1\), power
, addition, multiplication and other primitive
operations to be constants and approximate all of them by a single
constant \(c\).
3.6.2. Exercise 2
Implement a function that generates takes (a) a sorting procedure
for a key-value array, (b) a number n
and a number
, and generates n
random arrays of the length
, testing that sort
is indeed correct on all those
3.6.3. Exercise 3
Find a procedure that takes an unsorted array and a given range of
keys (represented by a pair of numbers lo < hi
, right boundary not
included), and returns the list of all elements in the array, whose
keys are in that range. Estimate the complexity of this procedure.