1.5. Sorting Lists via Insertion Sort

  • File: InsertSort.ml

The task of finding the minimal and the second-minimal element in a list can be made much simpler and fast, if the list is pre-processed, namely, sorted. Indeed, for a sorted list we can just take it first or a second element, knowing that it will be what we need. Below, we will see our first implementation of sorting a list.

1.5.1. Insertion sort implementation

The following OCaml code implements the sorting procedure:

let insert_sort ls =
  let rec walk xs acc =
    match xs with
    | [] -> acc
    | h :: t ->
      let rec insert elem prefix =
        match prefix with
        | [] -> [elem]
        | h :: t as l ->
          if h < elem
          then h :: (insert elem t)
          else (elem :: l)
      let acc' = insert h acc in
      walk t acc'
walk ls []

Notice that there are two recursive auxiliary function in it: walk and insert. They play the following roles:

  • The outer walk traverses the entire lists and for each next element, inserts it at a correct position to the prefix via insert, which is already assumed ordered.

  • The inner insert traverses the sorted prefix (called prefix) and inserts an element elem to a correct position.

1.5.2. Correctness of sorting

In order to reason about the correctness of sorting, we first need to say what its specification is, i.e., what is a correctly sorted list. This notion is described by the following definition:

let rec sorted ls =
  match ls with
  | [] -> true
  | h :: t -> List.for_all (fun e -> e >= h) t && sorted t

A list res is a correctly sorted version of a list ls if it’s (a) sorted and (b) has all the same elements as res, which we can define as follows:

let same_elems ls1 ls2 =
  List.for_all (fun e ->
      List.find_all (fun e' -> e = e') ls2 =
      List.find_all (fun e' -> e = e') ls1
    ) ls1 &&
  List.for_all (fun e ->
      List.find_all (fun e' -> e = e') ls2 =
      List.find_all (fun e' -> e = e') ls1
    ) ls2
let sorted_spec ls res =
  same_elems ls res && sorted res

With the following functions we can now test insertion sort:

let sort_test sorter ls =
  let res = sorter ls in
  sorted_spec ls res;;
# insert_sort [];;
- : 'a list = []
# sort_test insert_sort [];;
- : bool = true
# insert_sort [5; 7; 8; 42; 3; 3; 1];;
- : int list = [1; 3; 3; 5; 7; 8; 42]
# sort_test insert_sort [5; 7; 8; 42; 3; 3; 1];;
- : bool = true

1.5.3. Sorting invariants

Let us now make the intuition about the correctness of sorting formal, capturing it in the form of specifications for the two recursive functions it uses, walk and insert. Since walk is tail-recursive, we can get away without its postcondition, and just specify the precondition, which is also its invariant:

let insert_sort_walk_inv ls t acc =
  sorted acc &&
  same_elems (acc @ t) ls

The invariant insert_sort_walk_inv ensures that the prefix acc processed so far is sorted, and also that the concatenation of the tail t to be processed has the same elements as the original list ls. The recursive procedure insert is, unfortunately, not tail-recursive, hence we will have to provide both the pre- and the postcondition:

let insert_sort_insert_pre elem prefix = sorted prefix
let insert_sort_insert_post res elem prefix  =
  sorted res &&
  same_elems res (elem :: prefix)

That is, whenever insert is run on a prefix, it expects it to be sorted. Once it finishes, it returns a sorted list res, which has all alements of prefix, and also the inserted elem. Let us notice that the postcondition of insert implies the precondition of walk, at each recursive iteration. Furthermore, the invariant of walk becomes the correcntess specification of the top-level sorting function, once t becomes empty, i.e., in its base case. We can now check all of those sepcifications by annotating the code with them:

let insert_sort_with_inv ls =
  let rec walk xs acc =
    match xs with
    | [] ->
      let res = acc in
      (* walk's postcondition *)
      assert (sorted_spec ls res);
    | h :: t ->
      let rec insert elem remaining =
        match remaining with
        | [] ->
          (* insert's postcondition *)
          assert (insert_sort_insert_post [elem] elem remaining);
        | h :: t as l ->
          if h < elem
          then (
            (* insert's precondition *)
            assert (insert_sort_insert_pre elem t);
            let res = insert elem t in
            (* insert's postcondition *)
            (assert (insert_sort_insert_post (h :: res) elem remaining);
            h :: res))
            let res = elem :: l in
            (* insert's postcondition *)
            (assert (insert_sort_insert_post res elem remaining);
      let acc' = (
         (* insert's precondition *)
         assert (insert_sort_insert_pre h acc);
         insert h acc) in
      (* walk's precondition *)
      assert (insert_sort_walk_inv ls t acc');
      walk t acc'
  assert (insert_sort_walk_inv ls ls []);
  walk ls []